Today’s post is a quick one to show you how Hubs made over the filing cabinet for his mancave. Continue reading
Category Archives: Furniture Project Ideas
Teak Chairs: the DIY Makeunder
We thought these teak chairs were beautiful as they were so instead of a chair makeover, we gave them a ‘makeunder’! Continue reading
Faux Barn Board Phone Booth Shelf
Try saying the title 3 times fast; it’s a tongue twister! Reclaimed wood in our area costs a fortune so we worked hard to develop a DIY technique for faux barn board that was just as beautiful but a fraction of the price. Continue reading
How to Get Milk Paint to Stick to Anything!
I always avoid indoor paint projects because of the fumes. Even with low VOC paint, I don’t want to pollute what precious indoor air quality I have in my basement craft studio – especially in the winter months when I can’t even crack a window open. Did you know that there are no VOCs in milk paint? Because it’s truly non-toxic, I get to keep every brain cell so I can keep dreaming up new projects! Continue reading
Foghorn Leghorn Clock – Ikea Besta Hack
And now for something completely different! When we didn’t have enough wall space for a clock in the Mancave, it didn’t stop us. We built a Foghorn Leghorn clock right into the door of our IKEA Besta TV stand! Continue reading
Crackle Paint Finish – Transformed Ikea Cabinet
Have you ever thought about a crackle paint finish to upcycle an Ikea wall cabinet? Neither have we: this update was a fluke! Hubs and I are supplement users so when our local pharmacy started a twice a year anniversary sale, we wanted to take advantage of the huge price savings. Unfortunately we didn’t have anywhere to store a 6-month supply of supplements until the next sale! Enter Ikea! Continue reading
Roadside Rescue Waterfall Dresser
Hubs and I have a penchant for curbside finds like the waterfall dresser we’re making over today. If you follow us on a regular basis, you’ll know that we are big on saving things from landfil! Continue reading
Milk Paint for Beginners – Paint a Shelf!
Today we’re got a tutorial on how to milk paint for beginners. Are you more eco-conscious than you used to be when it comes to paint? So are we! Many manufacturers are touting products that are made to be low in VOCs (volatile organic compounds), but did you know that there’s an ancient product still in use today that’s been low VOC all along? It’s good old fashioned milk paint! Continue reading
How to Paint Vinyl – Vintage Steno Chair
Have you ever wondered how to paint vinyl? A few years ago, we were at an outdoor antique market in Aberfoyle, Ontario looking at these funky metal lamps wondering if we could find space for them. As the story goes, they were originally from a psychiatric hospital. What we loved about them were the curvy lines and retro look. Continue reading
Upcycled Kitchen Cabinets – VW Desk!
Today we’re showing you how to turn upcycled kitchen cabinets into a unique VW desk. You know how they say that necessity is the mother of invention? This upcycle is a prime example. After we renovated our kitchen, the craft room was next on the list and I needed a storage solution, stat! Luckily we saved a bank of cabinets from our reno to create a one-of-a-kind desk for the office area.
Jewelry Storage DIY – Keeping it Tarnish Free
This cabinet upcycle turned into the most amazing jewelry storage DIY because I found a way to keep my bling tarnish free! What’s not to love about tarnish free jewelry?
If we find something in the garbage that inspires us (or even just challenges our common sense to leave it there), we don’t hesitate to try to find another use for it. The worst that can happen is that the project is an epic fail that ends up back in the garage again. But we won’t let that happen on our watch! Continue reading
Filing Cabinet Planter – Indoor Gardening
A filing cabinet planter makes a great indoor display. You can’t have too many indoor plants during the winter time! They remind us of the new life and growth about to burst forth in the spring and give us something to look forward to! After seeing some shots on Pinterest, I was inspired to do an indoor garden of plants spilling out of card catalogue drawers. I so have a card catalogue, but it’s much too useful right now helping to organize a craft room! Continue reading
Pallet DIY – Phoenix Rising Pallet Table
Our pallet DIY project was one of those things that was just meant to be. Phoenix rising is an apropos (and quite literal) way to describe the resurrection of this beautiful sewing machine table base! This upcycle is just like a phoenix rising from the ashes! Continue reading
One Hour Project – Decluttering and Organizing the Office
Organizing the home office is now a priority because our home office is out of control! The following post may contain disturbing scenes of a messy office. Viewer discretion is advised! Continue reading
DIY Storage Shelf – Antique Hutch Upcycle
When Hubs and I attended an auction a few years ago I spotting a piece I thought would make a great DIY storage shelf. Specifically, it was the top half to what used to be part of someone’s buffet. Continue reading
Flea Market Survival Kit – Be Prepared During Tick Season
A flea market survival kit is an essential in our household. When the weather turns warm in May, hubs and I love to scout flea markets and garage sales! Speaking of scout, when I was a Girl Scout, our motto was ‘be prepared’. That one motto has resonated with me throughout my entire life. This post will give you the scoop on how to be prepared to shop your favourite flea markets. Continue reading
Shoe Storage DIY – Sole Searching
I finally came up with a shoe storage DIY that works for me. But only after a lot of ‘sole searching’ (the kind of searching you do when you can’t find the pair of shoes you really want to wear, that is)! Continue reading
Ikea Pax Planner: The Making of a Craft Studio (II)
The Ikea Pax Planner is amazing! Want to avoid the hassle of navigating the store and figuring it all out on the spot? Then the Ikea Pax Planner is for you! Continue reading