Easy Felt Appliqué – Mondrian Heart Stool Cover

Looking for a unique Valentine’s idea? Today we have an easy felt appliqué DIY. I love exploring different ways to use stencils with felt and this proves that you don’t have to just use paint as your stencil medium. This is such a cute idea for Valentines day – but it would work any time of year because off the Mondrian theme!

The best thing? This totally transforms a stool without doing a thing to the stool itself!

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Slip on Coaster – Lucky 4 Leaf Clover

A slip on coaster is like a wine glass slipper that blows Cinderella out of the water! It’s simply a felt pocket covering that slips over the base of the wine glass. But it does double duty as a coaster AND a wine charm. You protect your table and your guests can identify their glasses! And what better wine glass charm than a lucky four-leaf clover? Continue reading

Needle Felted Duck – Got Any Grapes?

I’m dabbling with needle felting again with this needle felted duck. Hey! Got any grapes? Let’s see a show of hands for those of you who know the duck song? Don’t know it? Watch the quick video below and you’ll get the inspiration behind this adorable needle felted duck!

Before completing this adorable needle felted VW Beetle, I made this needle felted duck for my husband as a gift and it was huge hit (he might have mentioned it was the best gift ever)! As long as I’ve known him, Hubs always told the duck joke (the Duck Story is actually based on the joke). This project just brought it to life; complete with grapes! Continue reading

Needle Felted VW Beetle – Sweater Upcycle

This needle felted VW Beetle convertible has a secret DIY cheat! I love the shape and form of a VW beetle and was sad when Volkwagen discontinued them. They certainly had the cool factor going for them. So I’m going to show you how to sculpt your own out of wool!

After taking a beginner course in needle felting at my local stained glass studio just over a year ago, I quickly became enamoured with sculpting wool – and ‘breaking the rules’. When you’re new to a craft, it’s easy to get creative with your own techniques because you don’t know what you don’t know!

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Gnome DIY (with Light Up Hat and Glitter Snowflake)!

Give your Christmas decor a little gnome DIY magic! This fun Christmas DIY gnome tutorial will show you how to make a gnome with a hat that lights up! Continue reading

Needle Felted Elf: A Coastal Christmas

This needle felted elf will make a cute addition to your Christmas decor!

I recently took a course on needle felting featuring needle felted elves. Needle felting is something I’ve alway wanted to learn! When I discovered that I could get wool roving online, I was excited to practice what I had learned and design my own project. Amazon has a great selection of colours of wool roving and tools by Clover. Continue reading