Shoji Screen Doors – Get the Look Without Glass

If anyone were to ask me what the biggest impact was in renovating our dining room space, I’d have to say the shoji screen sliding doors. They are like barn doors on steroids. A little more upscale, a lot less rustic, but essentially just like barn doors on a sliding track. We found a high quality mechanism to hang them. Then Hubs and a friend built them from scratch.

Previously we showed you how our dining room transformated after we removed a wall. However, I wanted the option to close it off occasionally and still let the light through. It was the perfect opportunity for me to design something spectacular!

Hubs first mocked up my design in cardboard to ensure the scale would before he even purchased the wood. I’m so glad he did! Because of the mockup, I could see that the wood on the bottom of the door would look better if it was much higher. We were able to make the adjustment in our design and not waste a thing!

Brighten up a living space with interior doors. Learn how to get the look of a shoji screen sliding door without the glass | Birdz of a Feather | Shoji screen diy | sliding door | shoji screen doors #shojidoors #slidingdoors

Sliding Door Track

Before installing the sliding door mechanism, Hubs added a piece of plywood. Later, we used it to add a valance.


Then he installed the doors on the track by following the manufacturers directions. We used KN Crowder hardware.  It’s a quality system, so we also used Crowder’s pocket door hardware in my craft room because we think it’s the best on the market and believe that you really do get what you pay for  (and no, we don’t get paid to say that)!

We didn’t want heavy frosted glass in the doors so Hubs came up with a brilliant idea to get the same effect! Want to know the secret? Laminated rice paper! It looks beautiful and can still be cleaned if necessary. If you want a true shoji look though, make sure that the laminate you use is low sheen.

The laminating shop we took it to actually used high sheen on one side and hubs didn’t notice it until after he installed it. We don’t like the shiny side (too much reflective glare), but we never took it back to fix it so I’m passing this tip along to you so you don’t make the same mistake we did.


Since we took the wall opening right up to the ceiling, I didn’t want to see the track hardware. So we created a valance to cover it in matching wood. Before installing the valance, I decided to stain the edge of the plywood it would be mounted to so the lighter colour wouldn’t catch my eye if I ever looked up into the gap. I can’t say I ever look at that gap, but maybe that’s because there’s nothing to notice! Anyway, the best time to do something is BEFORE it’s all finished, so I went ahead and put in the extra effort.


To attach the valance itself, we stapled on some heavy duty velcro so we could simply velcro it into place. So if we ever have to get to the mechanism, we can still easily lift away the valance.


It took two of us to lift the valance up and attach it; here it is all finished off. On the other side of the shoji screen door, we also attach a smaller piece of valance to bridge the space between the door opening.

Brighten up a living space with interior doors. Learn how to get the look of a shoji screen sliding door without the glass | Birdz of a Feather | Shoji screen diy | sliding door | shoji screen doors #shojidoors #slidingdoors

As you saw in the dining room reveal, once we were done, we repainted and redecorated.


Here’s the finished look. I think the doors really do make the space, don’t you?

Brighten up a living space with interior doors. Learn how to get the look of a shoji screen sliding door without the glass | Birdz of a Feather | Shoji screen diy | sliding door | shoji screen doors #shojidoors #slidingdoors

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Brighten up a living space with interior doors. Learn how to get the look of a shoji screen sliding door without the glass | Birdz of a Feather | Shoji screen diy | sliding door | shoji screen doors #shojidoors #slidingdoors

If you missed our DIY on how we knocked the wall down in the dining room, click here for a link to that post.


For more reno DIYs, check out our tutorial on how to tile a backsplash, how to replace a bathroom fan or maximize space in a bathroom renovation:

And don’t forget that I’ve just started a new craft category called Birdz of a Feather ~ Craft Rehab.  We have an incredible indoor water feature tutorial coming up soon, so be sure to follow us if you aren’t already!







5 thoughts on “Shoji Screen Doors – Get the Look Without Glass

  1. I love the doors and have always dreamed of something similar in our home. I don’t know where we we put them but I love the calming effect. Laminated rice paper! Who knew?

    Happy belated birthday, Sara.

  2. Did you also get the sliding doors from KN Crowder, or was this from another place? I cannot seem to see any doors on their website, only the hardware. Thanks. I love your look!!

    • Hi Sarah – thanks! KN Crowder only carries the hardware. I designed the doors and my husband and a friend built and finished them.

  3. I love what you did here, very creative. Have a few opening in our home that I would love this type of door in each location. Got to get the hubby moving.

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